Ben Watson

Ben has over 20 years practical experience in grounds maintenance, woodland management, and arboriculture. He has 10 years’ experience in forest operations supervision, contract management and compliance and was formerly a Forest Standards Specialist Advisor with Natural Resources Wales.


  • MSc Forestry (Distinction)
  • Arboricultural Association Technician’s Certificate (Merit)


  • PTI – LANTRA Professional Tree Inspection
  • Soil Association FSC Auditing to ISO 19011
  • Forest Works Manager
  • LANTRA and NPTC practical courses


  • Associate Member of the Institute of Chartered Foresters (ICF)
  • Member of the Forest Industry Safety Accord (FISA)

Isabelle Watson

Isabelle has been a keen gardener for many years and has volunteered at the Singleton Park Botanical Gardens. She has expertise in plant and shrub care, designing planting schemes and enjoys working with clients to develop garden plans.


  • RHS Qualification in Horticulture (Level 2)
  • Practical Horticulture
  • Principles of Plant Growth and Development